Kingsman: The golden circle is a spy action comedy film produced by director Matthew Vaughn, scripted by Vaughn and Jane Goldman. With the participation of famous stars such as Taron Egerton, Colin Firth, Mark Strong, the film promises to bring interesting emotions to viewers.
One day on his way home, he is ambushed by Charlie Hesketh, a former Kingsman student who lost his arm and larynx to an exploding microchip during the Valentine incident. Eggsy broke Charlie’s mechanical arm while fighting on the streets of London but did not notice that the arm was still working, he logged into Kingsman’s data system and sent the information back. While Eggsy was having dinner with Princess Tilde and her parents in Sweden, a series of missiles were fired at Kingsman’s headquarters and the agents’ residences in England, wiping out Roxy and the agents.
Becoming the only agents alive, they begin to search for the truth and interesting and humorous stories take place around them.