Escape from Pretoria

Escape from Pretoria is a thriller film based on the real-life escape of three political prisoners in South Africa in 1979, directed by Francis Annan in 2020.

With the participation of Daniel Radcliffe and Daniel Webber, the film quickly attracted a huge number of viewers when it was first released. Not only that, the film also achieved box office records and brought in huge revenue in the first 3 weeks of release.

Escape from Pretoria tells the story of the escape from Pretoria prison in South Africa – the most famous and most fortified prison and no one inside has ever escaped. Tim Jenkin and Stephen Lee are two white men, but they are not pleasing to the eye. racism against people of color. Being pushed into one of the most fortified prisons, the two men with their strong will had no intention of spending any time in prison, but somewhere along the way they had the intention of leaving Pretoria by boat. how to escape prison.

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